What LED Light Color Is Best For Studying?

You may have noticed it, but light has a very strong influence on things that we do daily. Particularly during the night time, light aids us in doing stuff that we usually can’t do in the dark of the night.

But what does all of this have to do with our discussion today? Well, light’s color and quality impact your performance as an individual.

And if you are a student who enjoys studying at night, finding the best light for studying is something you should be doing now.

Considering how many factors are involved in this that can influence your decision, we will help you find the right light for your studying through a thorough discussion. There are a lot of factors that you don’t want to miss.

Finding the Best Light for Studying

We bet that now you have a solid idea that having a certain aspect, quality, and direction of light can influence your performance in your studies.

Well, if you don’t know that, no worries, we will talk about this in detail. According to scientific research, light affects how you learn and perceive things.

For example, if you are sitting in a room with very dim light, will you be able to study without falling asleep after some time?

Not. Plus, the dim light will make it super difficult for you to focus on the text.

Color Combinations

The direct impact of light on one’s ability to study is already proven scientifically.

Many people can experience that studying under a certain light color becomes quite tough for them. But the important point to note here is the color combination.

Human psychology is programmed to react in a specific manner under a specific color combination. Some color combos can enhance your academic performance, while others can diminish it completely.

But how can you find out which color combination suits you the best? Only experiencing multiple combos yourself. Can you tell me that?

White Colored Light and studying

Probably the first thing that pops up in your mind when we talk about finding the best light for studying. White light is the type of light most of us feel super comfortable studying in. But why is that? Well, one reason for this phenomenon is the fact that white light is a combination of all seven prominent Rainbow colors.

So automatically, white light possesses these colors’ individual soothing and energizing traits. This can be verified by looking at the sales statistics of light LED bulbs compared to LED bulbs of different colors.

Are Warm Lights Effective?

Warm lights are the class of lights that tend to provide warmth and light. Didn’t fully understand this?

When filament bulbs were introduced in the market for the first time, everyone noticed one thing. If the bulb is used to remain on for some time, the surface of the bulb becomes quite hot, radiating warm energy.

This is exactly what we are referring to as warm lights. Coloured LED lights, in particular, are known to replicate this warmth effect. A great environment builder for studying indeed.

What about the Cool Lights, then?

But does that mean that cool lights aren’t effective for studying? No. Whether a particular type of light is suitable for studying depends upon the person trying to adjust the light accordingly.

If we look at the scientific evidence, light bulbs that generate a cool light sensation than a warm one are better for studying.

Why? Well, cool lights are known for re-energizing the body, which will help you a lot in focus. On the other hand, warmer lights soothe the body and mind, but they can also initiate sleeping patterns.

Light Color Psychology and its impact on study routines

So far, we have discovered the impact of color combinations on study routines. But what about individual characteristics of light colors?

Does a certain colored light help you study more effectively than the rest of your days? The answer is yes. But how can you find that a certain colored LED bulb is the right choice for you?

This can only be found if you experiment with multiple bulbs yourself. If one colored light is not aiding you to study, try a different one.

The color psychology theory doesn’t have a universal impact on everyone. Some people can be influenced by a certain light color more than the rest.

Placing a Light in front of your face

An idea that we bet has already popped up in your mind. But guys, just don’t try it out. Placing light before your face won’t help you stay awake for long. Doing something like this can even affect your eyesight if done for a prolonged period.

Also, try to ensure that the light is placed at an angle where most of the light content is dispersed at the content you are studying. Focusing all the light back at you would blur your vision and won’t be more of a problem than an aid.

Too Bright and Too Dim Lights

Time to bust the myths of too-bright and too-dim lights. The whole too bright lights psychology is quite true, as brightening up the lights will blur your vision. You won’t be able to study a thing, so it won’t be an idea that can enhance your study schedules.

But on the other hand, dimming the lights beyond a certain limit won’t be beneficial either. Most people believe that dimming the lights and creating a more aesthetic environment will help them study better. But in reality, this will only aid the body’s natural sleeping cycle to set in.

Influence of Light on Learning Psychology

Humans are regarded as the pinnacle species. But why pinnacle? Are humans the strongest? Are humans the fastest? Can humans fly? The answer to all these questions is ‘No.’ The only reason humans are at the top of the food chain is their ability to learn things.

In all this learning, light plays a crucial role whether we know it or not. Bright light is known for boosting overall energy and the ability to focus. While relatively dimmer lights are known for soothing the body and helping clear out all the pollutant thoughts from the mind.

Final Note

So, with all this being said, we believe you are all set to find the best light for studying yourself. If not, we are always open to answering your questions right here

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